Biospan is a proprietary formulation

  • Provides a concentrated attack on clogged areas, restoring septic systems that are overworked and sluggish. 

  • Reopens Clogged or Sluggish Systems 

  • Digests Paper 

  • 1-3 gallons treats a 1,000 gallon septic system.
  • Safe for Pipes
  • Increases percolation 
  • Opens up clay soils
  • Reduces compaction

   Biospan Powder 
   1 Year Supply (2 lbs)
100's of Uses: Septic Tank Additive, Waste De-grader, Mulch Enhancer, Farms, Sewage Lagoons, Drainfields, Septic Systems, Motor Homes, RVs, and many more
Before Biospan Treatment
30 Days After Biospan Treatment
A 15 mile Long City Sewer Line
Scientifically Advanced Waste Eliminating Bacteria Formula

BIOSPAN Treatment On Calgary Canada's 15 MILE LONG City Sewer System
DRS Environmental's formulas have been used in commercial and governmental activities worldwide over the past 15 years. Formulas are customized for the specific application. Products are harmless to plants, animal and humans making them ideal for use in a broad array of applications. 
DRS Environmental's formulas produce a broad array of benefits to industry and to nature. Our formulas not only introduce new first generation bacteria, but also stimulate existing beneficial bacterial already present in the waste substrate. This synergistic joining increases the positive impact formulas have on waste including: greater solids and odor reduction, greater control of oil and grease, and increased gas quality and production rates.
Areas of Use:
Benefits of Using Biospan:
How does Biospan scientifically work?

Biospan is an environmentally friendly solution to reduction of waste. Biospan provides 10 billion colonies of selected natural microbes per gram. Released bacteria microbes function in the absence of oxygen and light and are characterized by their rapid reproduction and voracious appetites. These microbes rapidly take control and manage the digestion process conjoining with existing microorganisms in waste. 
What is Biospan?

Biospan is a complex mixture of enzymes, and 57 different microbial strains. Biospan is formulated to degrade waste, making it highly effective when used to treat septic tanks, drainfields, septic systems, ponds, sewage lagoons, sewage treatment plants, mobile home parks, motor home waste reservoirs, and grease traps. 
Is Biospan more effective than Rid-x?

Absolutely! Biospan has 57 powerful microbial strains in its formula. Rid-x has about 3 strains. Biospan also has 10 billion microbes per gram, while rid-x only has 1/2 billion microbes per gram.
A 15 mile Long City Sewer Line
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